Tag Archives: Global warming myths

When science and religious cults collide

For good measure about the ‘climate change causes bad things… look, see it’s flooding, therefore it must be’ debate, and yes I know it’s from Breitbart, but it should give the more rabid and uninformed warmists just a teensy weensy … Continue reading

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More inconvenient truths about global warming

The folklore has it that it is hotter now than it was before. You are told it repeatedly until you are convinced and then you tell someone else. Global warming has gone viral. Is the testimony of history the cure? … Continue reading

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E Pur Si Muove, numero due

Whether Galileo did actually mutter under his breath that phrase about the earth still moving or not, there is a contrarian streak in some people that defies plagiarising ‘accepted’ wisdom and using it as their own. As the Christian philosopher, … Continue reading

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E Pur si Muove

There is something disarmingly strengthening when you hear that innocent piping voice of history whispering from the unencumbered past, ‘excuse me, but I think you are perhaps mistaken…” I am not a climatologist, but… I am certain that the congregation … Continue reading

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